Saturday, March 15, 2008

Finally Slowing Down

Ever since I started working, it seems like everything is flying by and I am always on the go. Luckily, things are getting better on the school end. It has been a rough transition for the kids, but now they know I mean business. At first, I really hated fifth grade, but now it is growing on me. There are so many things that you can do with fifth grade that you can't do with other grades. The first cycle of my internship year is finished and I won't have to worry about the next two cycles until the next school year. YAY!! An experience this past week has really shown me that I am cut out to be a teacher and maybe even in the right grade that is fitting for me. I was observed by my university professor and in her words, "Girl, you completely blew me away. I never give 3's in the first cycle but you are definitely a prize!" She even told the principal that he better treat me right and not let me go because I am one of a kind. That made my week to hear someone say that because I do sometimes wonder how I'm doing in the classroom.

On the home front, I am SO proud of my little angel. For several weeks, she has been trying over and over again to roll over. She would get stuck on her side and then get frustrated because she wasn't successful. We bought a Baby Einstein video entitled "Baby's first moves" where it shows babies rolling over, walking, crawling, etc. I had noticed that every time she would watch the video, she would get closer and closer to making it all the way over. On Thursday, we put her on a blanket on the floor and sure enough, there she went!! Now, she's rolling like crazy and getting upset because she can't get from her tummy to her back. That will be the next step. LOL Once she figured out how to hold her head up nice and high while on her tummy, everything else took off. I can't wait to see her next milestone!!

Only three more school days until a 10 day Spring Break. I can't wait! I don't have any huge plans but it will be nice to have the time off to get caught up on some things, visit family, and have play time with Kaylee. It will be fantastic!!

1 comment:

craftykorisa said...

I am so proud of you!!!

And Kaylee.....she will be so grown up when I finally get to see her again!

Take care of yourself and her.
Love ya!